Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Google thingy

Final design
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3

In this assignment, I had to make my own idea to design the google page. The theme is "If I could travel in time, I'd visit...". I was expected to produce a TWO-Dimensional design but I made a mistake by making it a three dimensional. So I will change it as soon as possible and try to make it as if it's carved into the snow mountain. My final product is about Ice age. If I could travel in time, I'd visit the Ice age era because I've always wanted to see a mammoth, saber-toothed cat, and a sloth ever since I watched the movies "Ice Age". My design consists of a big mountain of snow with a mammoth and two baby mammoth's walking on top of the snow mountain. I used "Value" by changing the tone of the color blue to make it look like snow-ish. I used "Repetition" by duplicating the icicles. I also used "Gradation" by applying multiple gradients on the snow mountain to make it look realistic. My final design somewhat accurately represent my sketch because I had to take out the squirrel. People may think I'm conventional for taking the idea from the movie ice age.

1 comment:

  1. I think the time period that you choose to do is very unique and different because not a lot of people thought about choosing this time period.


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