Monday, February 27, 2012


Final Design
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

In this assignment, I had to create my own original character in adobe illustrator CS3 by using the pen tool. My final product is a guy standing normal with his hands in his pockets. It suppose to represent me a little bit. He is wearing a white long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, black pants, my own version of vans shoes, and dark gray spikey hair. I used "Texture" by applying a brush texture on the shoes. I also used "Value" by changing the opacity of the color black to make it dark gray for the hair. I used "Gradation" by applying a radial gradient on the face of my character. My final design represent my sketch because I used my sketch as my guide and used the pen tool to exactly trace my sketch.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Day 4
Day 3
Day 2

Day 1
 In this assignment, I had to pick a place in school to sketch and try to replicate it on adobe illustrator CS3. I had to try and make it realistic as possible by applying elements and principles of design like gradients, texture and value. My final product is Mrs. Pearson's door/wall. I used "Texture" by applying texture effects on the door. I also used "Shape" by making rectangles for the structure of the wall and door. I used "Gradation" by applying a gradient to the black poster and to the glass on the door. My final design somewhat represent my sketch because I used my sketch as my guide but I had to add a lot of things like the yellow/black borders. My final product is incomplete because I was trying to make everything precise as possible so it kind of took me a while to make the yellow/black border and the curvy green border. Overall, this project was pretty cool.