Monday, December 12, 2011


Day 3

Day 2
Day 1
Final Design

     This project is part 2 of myLamp project. I had to make my own realistic room and blend the lamp that I've made using only Adobe illustrator CS3 and by utilizing the 3D effects. My final product has purple side walls and silver wall in the middle, a flat screen HDTV on the middle wall, surround sound stereos, purple arm chairs, photos of my previous projects on the side walls, a window with the moon and stars outside and table with a purple remote on top. I used "Shape" by creating squares, rectangles and ovals/circles. I used "Texture" by applying the texture effect on the floor to make it look like a carpet. I also used "Value" by changing the tone of the color purple. I used "Gradation" by simply applying gradients multiple times on the wall, tv, chairs and stereos to make the project realistic. My final design somewhat represent my sketch because I made a few changes. I deleted the piano and added pictures on the walls.

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