Friday, May 4, 2012

Flash Animation

Day 2
In this assignment, I had to create an animation in Adobe Flash CS3 by using the brush tool and applying effects like motion tween and creating motion clips. My final product is about night turning to day at a lake. It has a red boat and dock. moving lake, sun, moon, and clouds. I used "Shape" by using the oval tool to create the moon and sun and rectangle tool to create the sky and lake. I used "Gradation" by making the sky a symbol and messing with advance option to create the night-to-day gradient effect. I didn't have a sketch for this project so my final design does not represent my sketch.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Website day 4
Website day 3
Website day 2
Website day 1

Extra Day
Final Design
Day 4
Day 3

Day 1/2

In this assignment, I had to create a 8.5 x 11 home page website with either photoshop or illustrator. My final design has a old music sheet background texture to it, I used piano keys for my tabs on the left side of the website, I also made a black transparent rectangle on the left side. I used "Shape" by using the rectangle tool to create a rectangle shape. I used "Gradation" by applying a gradient to the corner border brush. My Final product accurately represent my sketch because I used my sketch as my guide.

Self Reflection II:

In this second part of the assignment, I had to use Photoshop to create the rest of my pages and use Dreamweaver to connect all the pages together. My final product is completely about piano. The about page tells you what the website is about, the gallery page shows some interesting pictures related to piano, the facts page shows you facts about piano, the events page shows you upcoming events, the design/videos page shows some of  my Computer Graphics projects, and the contacts page shows links to contact me. I used "Color" by applying gray onto the menu to distinguish what page the viewer is on. I used "Repetition" by using the same layout for my pages. My final design does not accurately represent my sketch because I didn't really have one. I sort of just improvised.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

KONY 2012

Poster design


In this assignment, I had to make a promo pack for The campaign "Invisible children". I had to create a poster, a flyer, and a sticker in either Adobe illustrator CS3 or Photoshop. I used the pen tool, rectangle tool, Ellipse tool and the text tool to create my poster, flyer, and sticker. I used "Shape" by using the ellipse tool to create a perfect circle for my peace sign. I used "Repetition" by duplicating the rectangle shapes at the top and bottom of my poster, flyer, and sticker. My final design for my poster accurately represent my sketch because I used the pen tool to exactly trace my sketch. As for my flyer and sticker, I didn't have any sketch. So I Improvised and created from the top of my head.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Final Design
Day 1
In this assignment, I had to create a profile sheet about the character I created in adobe illustrator CS3 by using the type tool. My final product has a white background with gray foreground rectangle background color and black color for the font. I have my character on both bottom of the sheet. I used "Shape" by using the rectangle tool to create the gray rectangle foreground color behind the text. I used "Repetition" by duplicating the rectangle foreground color. I didn't really have any sketch for the Character sheet only the information stuff like the name and background story.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Final Design
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

In this assignment, I had to create my own original character in adobe illustrator CS3 by using the pen tool. My final product is a guy standing normal with his hands in his pockets. It suppose to represent me a little bit. He is wearing a white long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, black pants, my own version of vans shoes, and dark gray spikey hair. I used "Texture" by applying a brush texture on the shoes. I also used "Value" by changing the opacity of the color black to make it dark gray for the hair. I used "Gradation" by applying a radial gradient on the face of my character. My final design represent my sketch because I used my sketch as my guide and used the pen tool to exactly trace my sketch.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Day 4
Day 3
Day 2

Day 1
 In this assignment, I had to pick a place in school to sketch and try to replicate it on adobe illustrator CS3. I had to try and make it realistic as possible by applying elements and principles of design like gradients, texture and value. My final product is Mrs. Pearson's door/wall. I used "Texture" by applying texture effects on the door. I also used "Shape" by making rectangles for the structure of the wall and door. I used "Gradation" by applying a gradient to the black poster and to the glass on the door. My final design somewhat represent my sketch because I used my sketch as my guide but I had to add a lot of things like the yellow/black borders. My final product is incomplete because I was trying to make everything precise as possible so it kind of took me a while to make the yellow/black border and the curvy green border. Overall, this project was pretty cool.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Google thingy

Final design
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3

In this assignment, I had to make my own idea to design the google page. The theme is "If I could travel in time, I'd visit...". I was expected to produce a TWO-Dimensional design but I made a mistake by making it a three dimensional. So I will change it as soon as possible and try to make it as if it's carved into the snow mountain. My final product is about Ice age. If I could travel in time, I'd visit the Ice age era because I've always wanted to see a mammoth, saber-toothed cat, and a sloth ever since I watched the movies "Ice Age". My design consists of a big mountain of snow with a mammoth and two baby mammoth's walking on top of the snow mountain. I used "Value" by changing the tone of the color blue to make it look like snow-ish. I used "Repetition" by duplicating the icicles. I also used "Gradation" by applying multiple gradients on the snow mountain to make it look realistic. My final design somewhat accurately represent my sketch because I had to take out the squirrel. People may think I'm conventional for taking the idea from the movie ice age.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Day 6 Extra Day
Day 5 Final
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2

Day 1 Sketch

In this assignment, I had to create an illustration of myself in adobe illustrator CS3 by creating the things that I like that makes me who I am. For example, I like to play PS3 with friends so I created 2 PS3 controller by using the pen tool and made it as my ears. For my final product, I have stars on my head because I like to look at stars. I have a roller coaster for my left eyebrow, the philippine's sun for my left eye, and a sharingan(right eye), a cross with a brush and a pencil for my nose, piano keys for my teeth, hockey skates for my collar, and my two favorite color: red and blue for my body. I used "Shape" by creating circles for my eyes and rectangles for the piano keys. I used "Gradation" by applying a gradient for my skintone. My final design accurately represent my sketch because I followed everything that I listed.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Product Sheet

Day 3 Final Design
Day 2

In this assignment, I had to make a fact sheet in adobe illustrator CS3. Listing information about my product. My final product is simple. I have red as my background color. I used Century gothic as my font. I used "Color" by applying red as my background color. I used "Emphasis" by making my background color bigger than the other. My final design somewhat represent my sketch because we really didn't have to do a sketch for this one. I think.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Day 5 Final
Day 4
Day 3

Day 2
Day 1

In this assignment, We had to create our own 3D product in Adobe illustrator CS3 by applying the 3D effects.
My final product is a 88-key digital piano with a touch screen and simple buttons. I used "Shape" by creating a rectangle shape for the base of the piano and then applying the 3D extrude effect. I used "Gradation" by applying gradient on the product to make it look realistic. I also used "Repetition" by duplicating the buttons to make the buttons look the same. Yes, my final product accurately represent my sketch because I applied all the information I had researched onto the product.