Thursday, October 20, 2011

Art Show Possibilities

Day 2
Day 3

Day 4
Day 5 Final

In this project, I had to create an artwork to submit for an art show. We were allowed to use both photoshop and illustrator CS3. I was expected to produce a well designed, eye-catching art to submit to an art show. I was also expected to produce something original. We were allowed to use any tools on both  photoshop and illustrator. My final product is a mirrored self illustration of me. One looking to the right on the left side of the picture and one looking to the left on the right side of the picture. And for my background, I used a picture of my school building with the "welcome clippers" banner and with also a sun shining to represent daytime on the left side . On the other side, I used a moon and stars to represent nighttime. I used the smudge tool as a boundary in the middle. I dressed up my self illustration that's looking to the left as an assassin/ninja and added different eyes that I found online. I used four elements of art: Line, Shape, Colour, and Value. I used the element "Line" by utilizing the pen tool in Adobe illustrator CS3. I used "Shape" by using the ellipse tool to draw the eyes. I used "Colour" by applying colors to my self illustration. And finally, I used "Value" by changing the opacity of the color of my skin tones. I used two principles of design: Gradation and Contrast. I used "Gradation" on my self illustration. You can see my skin tone gradually changes from a darker color to a lighter color. I used "Contrast" by using the opposite colors. For example, I used White and black as my background color. I didn't have any sketch for this project. It just came to my mind. NINJAS RULE!

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