Monday, October 10, 2011


Day 1
Day 2

Day 3 Final

Extra Day
 Here's the story....
Scientists experimented on a deceased vampire. They injected the body with all kinds of sh*t right? and then one day. I guess it came back to life and ate the scientists. The End.
Pros: Super fast, Super Strength and all that other good stuff.

Cons: Doesn't have a brain like a zombie.

In this assignment, I had to take a picture of myself and transform that picture into a zombie by using photoshop CS3. I was expected to produce a scary zombie picture of myself by taking parts of images online and overlaying them on top of my picture and by messing with the layer styles. My final product is a Zombie/Vampire. I look really pale and blue-ish. I have black/gray make-up surrounding the eyes. My eyes are light blue and it's bleeding. My mouth is open with blood around it and my teeth are sharp. I added a picture of my hand and made my nails sharp by utilizing the smudge tool. As for my background, I used a picture of an old version hospital chair/bed. I used the Element "Value" by changing the tone of a color like my skin. I used "Gradation" by utilizing the soft edge brush tool and paint parts of the picture with black  for the shadows so it won't appear with solid edges. We didn't have a sketch for this project. Overall, I really had fun doing this project. I Love Horror!

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